Hello everyone! I would just like to thank everyone who is following me - either on my webpage, via Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc. The pandemic took quite a toll on getting my audiobook completed. Nevertheless, we persevered and finally prevailed, thanks in VERY large part to my technical guru and dear friend, John Cline of JCP Multimedia. John takes care of his mother who turns 100 later next month (August 30th, to be exact), and due to the pandemic, we waited to record the audiobook until we were all vaccinated. Between traveling, quarantining, getting vaxed and regular "life," we were finally able to record the clips for the audiobook. Then, of course, they had to be edited, uploaded and "approved" by the audiobook platform.
I am very HAPPY to announce, the efforts finally came to fruition. Thank you to each of you who were waiting on the audiobook for your patience! Once uploaded, the clips were authorized for distribution on the FIRST ATTEMPT. Whew! What a blessing...and my heartfelt hope is that the audiobook is a blessing to those who suffer from Interstitial Cystitis and/or Fibromyalgia. Again, thank you for following me...and please:
Stay safe and be well!