Interstitial Cystitis:
A Personal Journey of COMPLETE Healing!
by Tracy Alexis, Ph.D.
This is what literary reviewers are saying about the book:
''This is what sets the author apart from all other writers. Author's unique way of stringing words together, formulating ideas, and relating scenes or images to the reader. In any piece of writing, the voice should be consistent and identifiable, which this author has done a very good job. Rated 8.6 out of 10."
Current Rank on Amazon
#58 in Urology (Books)
#300 in Nutrition of Vitamins & Supplements (Books)
#304 in Alternative Health and Vitamins (Books)
#1,657 in Healing
#212,560 in Self-Help (Books)
Audiobook Now Available
About the Author
Tracy Alexis, PhD, is an IC, fibromyalgia, and breast cancer survivor. Her formal background and education is in Industrial/ Organizational Psychology. As her personal testament to this book, the last seven years of Tracy’s life (2015-2021) have been lived totally and completely free of all IC and fibromyalgia symptoms.
To schedule individual self-advocacy consults or to engage Dr. Alexis professionally, please email: drtracyalexis@gmail.com.Please be advised Tracy Alexis is NOT a Medical DoctorTracy Alexis, Ph.D.
Tracy Alexis is an IC, fibromyalgia, and breast cancer survivor. She was diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis as the result of a horrific motor vehicle accident (in 2009) which resulted in a complete bladder death a year later. Not being able to void is a scary feeling! Fortunately, a very savvy physician was able to identify that her 10-month recurring urinary tract infections were more than just UTIs and this diagnostician arranged for Tracy’s extensive bladder testing within a female-centric research hospital which resulted her diagnosis of IC.
Tracy’s IC diagnosis led to a treatment regime of bladder instillations, as well as to an invitation to participate in a focus group with urologists and other IC patients to share patient feedback. Through participation in the focus group, Tracy learned that all IC sufferer’s experiences are unique. Some IC sufferers experience much more severe pain, with greater frequency, and others experience less pain and/or less frequent pain.
Along with mainstream medicine’s enlightened position that IC is “incurable,” Tracy was impelled to heal her body from the inside - out and began extensive research on how to do that, while keeping a diary of her treatments, her research discoveries and her step-by-step healing journey, turning it all into her book which is tailored to help everyone – from those with mild symptoms to those who suffer the most severe, paralyzing IC symptoms.
Tracy relied upon the training she received pursuing her education in Industrial/Organizational Psychology to set up her single-case experimental designs made famous by B.F. Skinner. Skinner’s research admonishment to scientific researchers was to look for the unexpected outcomes in research results - the anomalies – and follow those unusual outcomes because that is where real science is discovered. And, thankfully, Skinner was right!
While mainstream medicine doesn’t know what causes IC, and knows even less how to successfully treat it, following Skinner’s research instructions ultimately healed Tracy’s IC. Completely!
One endorser of her book refers to Tracy as a “medical superhero” for going through her pain, her suffering, the twisted route of mainstream medicine's so-called "treatments" and her own discoveries with herbs, vitamins and supplements and shares her findings with her readers.
Tracy’s book, Interstitial Cystitis: A Personal Journey of COMPLETE Healing! was written to provide hope and healing for those who suffer from a debilitating disease today’s providers say is incurable.
Interstitial Cystitis:
A Personal Journey of COMPLETE Healing!
by Tracy Alexis, Ph.D.
Available Now on Audio Book
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ISBN 13 (SOFT): 9781982232221
ISBN 13 (HARD): 9781982232245
ISBN 13 (eBook): 9781982232238
Aaron Kaufman, DO
Albuquerque, NM
"Dr. Alexis' book is powerful documentation of her intense journey to discover pain relief and a cure from a disease that mainstream medicine knows little about, yet considers incurable. Her journey is rich with insights that led to a multi-faceted approach which buoyed her back into wellness. Her strong insistence on appropriateness and justice on her path to get what she needed makes this book a "Must Read." She leaves a trail of tools and cogent points of view to help the reader self-advocate and navigate the hurdles and red tape of today's insurance system. This book is an important milestone in the evolution and treatment of this devastating disease and can serve as a "how to" template for anyone confronting critical health issues in America.”
Grace E. Jackson, M.D.
Sedona, AZ
“Tracy Alexis is a medical Super Hero! In this powerful book filled with essential information. Dr. Alexis not only presents her personal experience of how she achieved remission from Interstitial Cystitis within five years, but also explains how she navigated the Scylia and Charybdis (between two equally perilous alternatives) of commercial insurance bureaucracy, medical negligence, and “Support Group” stagnation. Readers will certainly learn about interstitial cystitis, and its effective and ineffective interventions - but perhaps more importantly, they will learn how one patient’s indomitable spirit and curiosity propelled a successful journey of healing. I predict this story will motivate, inspire, and hopefully, transform the lives of patients and medical professionals alike.”
David Wales Pharm.D, RPh
Albuquerque, NM
“Dr. Alexis has produced a thoroughly comprehensive and intimate portrait of Interstitial Cystitis (IC) for which I am grateful. Her clarity of vision has fanned away the fog that has kept this condition in obscurity and brought it into the daylight. A decade and a half as a pharmacist has not given me the kind of detailed knowledge that this book provides. My hope is that its distribution will facilitate understanding and empathy in the medical community for the underserved population and provide guidance for those who suffer needlessly.”
David Brendel PhD
Los Angeles, CA
“Thoroughly researched and well written, this book provides the reader with guidance, direction, and helpful specifics presented compassionately and didactically through self-disclosure and factual information. Dr. Alexis addresses all aspects of her healing journey and provides sound advice while remaining cognizant of individual differences. A must read for anyone suffering from or associated in any way with Interstitial Cystitis or related issues. I have indeed found it a meaningful resource for general medical purposes as well.”
Edwin Verburg, D.P.A.
Tucson, AZ
“The Personal Journey portrayed in this important book is a helpful guide for many. While the book focuses on Interstitial Cystitis as a case study for a woman, it certainly reinforced guidance from my physical therapist after prostate surgery, because the residual recovery is primarily related to the bladder. More than that, relatives and close friends have suffered from bladder issues that have been treated by multiple doses of antibiotics, which clearly can be addressed with longer lasting results using some of the suggestions in this book. For example, the dietary supplements recommended and simple recognition of foods with high acid content are highly relevant.”
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On My
Virtual Book Tour
Overcoming I.C. and Fibromyalgia Pain 2 sessions , Overcoming I.C. with Diet and Exercise, Sex and Interstitial Cystitis 2 sessions, Overcoming Interstitial Cystitis by Faith
Listen to a series of Six Podcasts with K Rochelle Beginning August 6th to September 10th 2020
Hey Over-comers! So often it is easy to lose hope that we will never find any relief from the constant irritating pain that comes along with Interstitial Cystitis and fibromyalgia. If you are anything like me, you have tried countless things to help alleviate the pain, whether it is prescription medications or natural remedies. Join me on the first episode of the new series with my special guest
Dr. Tracy Alexis who will share with us her personal journey to overcoming I.C. pain. She will also share some tips from her book "Interstitial Cystitis: A Personal Journey of COMPLETE Healing!" which is a must read for anyone who may be seeking other alternatives to pain relief.
Special thanks to Tracy Alexis, PhD for being an inspirational guest on our Living Beyond the Pain Podcast!
For more information Facebook: Living Beyond the Pain: Out of the Shadows Instagram: @ livingbeyondpain
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/krochelle-lbp/message Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/krochelle-lbp/support
It was my privilege, recently, to share my IC story with Elisabeth Yaotani for her IC Wellness followers.
Living Fabulously with Bev
According to mainstream medicine Interstitial Cystitis is an incurable disease. Tracy Alexis PhD refused to accept that as a diagnosis for the remainder of her life so worked to completely heal it.
Tracy shares her intimate journey with Interstitial Cystitis and shares what she found to be most helpful to improve the quality of her life. Inspire yourself with these essential insights from Tracy Alexis PhD.
IC Healing Blog
4 octobre 2021Read more...It's worth repeating that, to minimize the opportunity for UTIs that can result from having...28 septembre 2021Read more...I receive a LOT of outreach from women (especially women, but sometimes men, too) about...23 juillet 2021Read more...I want to offer encouragement for everyone who is dealing with a medical issue (whether or not it...Events
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"Mom's Who Pee their Pants Summit"
The Bladder Diaries!
A 3-Day Virtual Summit June 24th- 26th Featuring Experts on Urinary & Vaginal Health packed full of gems on improving & maintaining your Urinary & Vaginal Health hosted by Moms Who Pee Their Pants.
- Summit features recognized experts to share essential information, new research, and solutions. Become your own powerful self-advocate for improved urinary and vaginal health.
I’m going to be talking about:
"What Do/Did You Take for Granted?"
- Daily Food Intake Journal
Good and Bad Foods
- ReferencesAll links on Reference sheet are live, just hover and click to see the source.
- N-of-1 Research (single-case experimental design)
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The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.
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being a self-advocate when dealing with the healthcare industry.
Background, Context, and Medical History
Like most Americans, I had never heard of Interstitial Cystitis (IC). No one among my relatives, my colleagues, or other acquaintances had ever been afflicted by IC. But then, in late 2009, I began to have excruciating pains in my abdomen. The first physician who examined me diagnosed my condition as a urinary tract infection (UTI). However, I had experienced UTIs before, and the pain I was experiencing was vastly different from the pain of a UTI! A second physician and then a third were equally confounded...
One Sheet
A one-sheet is a snapshot of a Tracy Alexis, Ph.D. that includes the most relevant and valuable information for a journalist.
Promotional Video
A video overview of Tracy’s book, Interstitial Cystitis: A Personal Journey of COMPLETE Healing!
Sample Questions
If you could speak with someone who healed their IC, what would you ask them?
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